
The Priory School is an oversubscribed 11-18 co-educational school that serves its local community. Hertfordshire Local Authority manages the transfer and entry to The Priory School. For details of both regular and in-year admissions, please see the information below and follow the links.

For further information contact Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Children’s Services on 0300 123 4043.

Applicants for a September 2025 Start

Open Events

The school will be open to visitors on the evening of Thursday 3rd October from 5.30pm to 8.30pm. There will be opportunity to tour the school, meet staff and students, and hear from the Headteacher. No tickets are needed for this event.

We will also host a series of morning tours for families to see the school in operation during a school day. These begin on Tuesday 8th October and families will need a pre-booked ticket for these mornings, which run from 9am to 11am. Tickets are bookable here.

Prospective new families can learn more about school life by using our online prospectus: On this site you can see short video clips and read information about how the school runs.

Secondary Transfers for September 2025

The school participates in the Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) co-ordinated scheme for admissions. All deadlines within this scheme must be adhered to by applicants. HCC will make offers of places on behalf of the school.

Further information is available at, including the rules for admission. On-time applications close on Monday 31st October 2024.

The Hertfordshire School Directory of information on all local schools can be found here:

In Year Admissions

All local authorities have a statutory duty to coordinate all in year admissions (primary and secondary) for all maintained schools and academies. This means that all applications for, and allocations of, in year places must be made via a child’s home local authority. All parents living in Hertfordshire who wish to make an in year application must apply online to HCC at and not by applying direct to schools. A paper application form can be requested from the Children Schools and Families Customer Service Centre, 0300 123 4043.


At transfer time, parents wishing to appeal who applied online should log into their online application and click on the link ‘register an appeal’. For those who did not apply online, please contact the Children Schools and Families Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 to request an appeal pack.

Further information on the appeals process is available at:

The Determined Admission Arrangements for 2022-2023 were reviewed and approved by the Governing Board. Any person or body who considers that any maintained school or academy’s arrangements are unlawful, or not in compliance with the Code or relevant law relating to admissions, can make an objection to the Schools Adjudicator. Any objector must provide their name and address to the Adjudicator when an objection is made.

Sixth Form Admissions

Please visit the Sixth Form Admissions page:  

The Priory School Admissions Policy

Admissions policy 2025-26 including 6th Form external options form

Admissions 2026-27 Consultation Policy

Letter re. Consultation

The Priory School Admissions policy 2026-27 (draft)