School Trips

Learning Outside the Classroom and Enrichment Opportunities

Stepping outside of the usual classroom environment and bringing a subject to life comes with its own unique excitement and thrill for students, that undeniable ‘school trip feeling’. According to OFSTED, external, interactive learning activities tie learning to personal experiences and memories, helping students develop a deeper understanding of subjects and topics. This often promotes better behaviour, achievement and involvement back in the classroom.

Educational trips allow students to experience, witness and understand different cultures and learn more about the lives of others, both now and throughout history. When exposed to different cultures, races and religions students can develop a crucial understanding that despite differences in views, languages, appearances, religions and cultural traditions we are all the same, simply Humans with emotions, rights and opinions.

This year we will be organising a range of educational trips, both day and residential. Some trips are directed towards specific year groups and specific curriculum areas.

We are a provider for Duke of Edinburgh and students can participate in Bronze from Year 9 and then move on to Silver and Gold. At the end of Year 9, students are able to participate in a two-week World Challenge adventure to Morocco and in the 6th form they are able to enrol on a ‘long haul’, month-long expedition.

Financial support is available for curriculum trips and one overseas trip from the Hitchin Education Foundation contactable via the school’s Finance office.

There are also support grants for school trips available from The Letchworth Civic Trust for pupils who live in Letchworth Garden City. Please look at their website for further details.

Known overseas trips at present:

  • Skiing trip: February 2025
  • Geography department: Bay of Naples March 2025
  • Scuba-diving trip: July/October 2025