KS4 Information

Students at The Priory School will study a range of subjects throughout Years 10 and 11, which form the KS4 years of their education. While some subject areas are compulsory (e.g. English, Maths and Science) students will have had a degree of choice at the end of Year 9 regarding what they then study at KS4. The school promotes a range of academic and vocational courses for study. These are exciting but challenging years, culminating in a number of public exams at the end of Year 11. The school is committed to supporting students through each obstacle and encounter they face, both in and out of the classroom. We continue to offer wellbeing support at this key time and academic staff strive to help students and parents to best prepare for examinations. As parents, you will receive regular communications via Progress Checks and parental information and teacher consultation evenings.

Our Raising Aspirations team continue to open young people’s minds as they consider what their next step in education or the world of work may be. This may be through work experience trips, alternative provision or visits to further education establishments. We have seen some fantastic results from our Key Stage 4 students in recent years and believe we are well placed for this to continue.

GCSE Exam Support


Key Stage 4 Information Evening

Welcome to Key Stage 4. We understand that these are vital years for students, the most important time where our students will grow and learn, while developing key skills for their futures. 

Here is a letter we sent after our Welcome to KS4 Evening in September of Year 10 which contains resources we hope you will find useful.

Link to letter

Please do contact Liz White should you have any queries.


Q: Who can I talk to if I need support?

A: Your form tutors are amazing. They see you on a day-to-day basis and know you best. They should be your first port of call. You also have Mr Findon (Head of Year 10), Mrs White (Head of Key Stage 4), Mrs Brazier (Pastoral Manager) or The Wellbeing Team.

Q: If I want to use extra resources to support my GCSE learning, what should I do?

A: There is a virtual learning tab on the school website. Please use this for online support. We will also have subject specialist textbooks available to order soon. You will receive an email regarding this. However, please remember that your school books are your best revision tool – keep them safe!

Q: Is there somewhere I can go to study?

A: We have a Study Room E1 (lunchtime) and H4 (3.30-4.30pm) designated for Year 10s Tuesday to Thursday. You are welcome to come along with friends and revise/complete homework. There will also be our KS4 Learning Mentor there for help and support with your work.

Q: I don’t know what I want to do in the future. Can someone help with this?

A: Of course. Mrs Emler is our Raising Aspirations Coordinator and will help and support you with your next steps. Having aspirations will really help you throughout KS4, knowing that you’re one step closer to where you want to be. We offer careers sessions as part of our registrations, as well as UniFrog which is an amazing resource. There is also a lot of useful information on our school Raising Aspirations portal. Should you have any further questions or need support, please email Sally Emler.

Q: When do I need to begin revising for my GCSE exams?

A: We would advise you to revise after each unit and create revision resources as you go along. This will really help you for Year 11.


Tips for Good Wellbeing KS4 & KS5