In the Art Department we encourage study of the visual arts through different autographic media which include; drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and 3 dimensional design, lens based and digital media, and textiles.
Drawing remains a central and pivotal activity to the work of many artists and designers – a touchstone and tool of creative exploration that informs visual discovery. It fundamentally enables the visualisation and development of perceptions and ideas. With a history as long and intensive as the history of our culture, the act of drawing remains a fundamental means to translate, document, record and analyse the worlds we inhabit. The role of drawing in education remains critical, and not just to the creative disciplines in art and design for which it is foundational.
As a primary visual language, essential for communication and expression, drawing is as important as the development of written and verbal skills. The need to understand the world through visual means would seem more acute than ever; images transcend the barriers of language, and enhance communications in an increasingly globalised world.
Alongside a need for drawing skills for those entering employment identified by a range of industries in the creative sectors – animation, architecture, design, fashion, film, theatre, performance and the communication industries – drawing is also widely used within a range of other professions as a means to develop, document, explore, explain, interrogate and plan. This includes the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, medicine and sport.
Drawing then sets the foundation for all the other disciplines including digital media. The connection to the visual world is fundamental to the unique nature of art and design study.
Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3 students have 3 lessons per fortnight.
The Key Stage 3 programme of study will involve;
Year 7; Drawing and painting, basic printmaking, 3D clay ceramics, introduction to textiles
Year 8; Advanced drawing, lino printing, line/tone/form, 3D sculpture clay/wax, textiles products
Year 9; Picture making, Advanced colour and painting, Advanced sculpture alternative materials, textiles through cultural exploration.
All units involve the study of a range of practitioners.
Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4 Students study GCSE Art and Design and are able to opt for endorsements in Fine Art, Textiles and Lens Based Media (Digital photography and film). The students follow a course with 60% coursework where they investigate a personal theme through experimenting with materials and techniques and the study of practitioners work. There is an exam weighted at 40% which follows the same format in terms of assessment but is more focused on selecting work that best fulfils the assessment criteria. The practical exam is 10 hours in duration.
Key Stage 5
In Key Stage 5 students study A Level Art with the option of following an endorsed course in Fine Art, Textiles and Photography (Lens based Media). The students study personally tailored courses based on themes that are relevant to their interests and skills. They can work in all available media including Sculpture, Ceramics and New Media which can include film and installation. The boundaries of the work undertaken are only constrained by the imagination and skill of the student.
We organise visits to galleries and for GCSE students. The A Level students undertake an overnight trip to London in order to study in 6 galleries over 2 days. We also exhibit work annually at the local museum and Art Gallery. Students work in the art studios every lunchtime and for a number of twilight sessions. We participate in productions and other aspects of the wider school curriculum.
See the following link
Mr Trevor Evans – Head of Art & Design Department and Head of Drama Department
Miss Charlotte Havelange – Teacher of Art & Design and Teacher of Food Technology; Head of Year 9
- Ms Hayley Brown – Teacher of Art & Design
- Mrs Sophie Hadaway – Teacher of Art & Design; Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Claire Gormill – Art Technician/Teacher of Art & Design