Students are taught in tutor groups until Year 8. Students have five hours of languages per fortnight, either French or Spanish.
Key Stage 3
Year 7
The four attainment targets of listening, speaking, reading and writing are assessed throughout each term. The topics taught concentrate on the immediate world of the learner, for example self, family, local area and daily routine.
The department is using Studio 1 as a course book and Active teach software is used in lessons allowing students to complete interactive activities.
Year 8
The focus on the learner’s immediate world is widened in Year 8 to include language associated with school life, holidays and the media. Students are encouraged to transfer language from one context to another and to adopt and use widely all new grammatical structures learnt in lessons.
The four attainment targets are assessed throughout each term. The department is using Studio 2 Green or Red (differentiated resources according to the level of ability) as the course books and Active Teach for Studio 2 software is used during lessons, allowing students to undertake a variety of engaging interactive activities.
Year 9
The language taught concentrates on the immediate world and needs of the students but also includes cross curricular elements such as healthy living, and social issues. As students’ progress they attempt more complex and demanding tasks and the written work takes on greater emphasis forming a solid foundation for GCSE.
The four attainment targets are assessed throughout each term. The department uses Studio 3 Green or Red (differentiated resources according to the level of ability) as the course books and Active Teach for Studio 3 software as interactive activities during lesson time.
Key Stage 4
Year 10
At Key Stage 4, French is a Foundation Subject for GCSE. In Year 10 students study the topics of the GCSE AQA syllabus covering the following topics: My World, Holiday Time and Travel, Work and Lifestyle and The Young Person in Society. Emphasis is placed on the development of more advanced linguistic structures and vocabulary. Students are encouraged to develop strategies to deal with the unpredictable elements of the examination. They attempt past papers in order to improve their examination techniques.
Year 11
In Year 11 students continue to study the topics of the GCSE syllabus. Emphasis is placed upon the development of more advanced linguistic structures and vocabulary. Students are encouraged to develop strategies to deal with unpredictable elements of the examination. They attempt past papers in order to improve their examination technique.
Students are awarded a GCSE target based on their Key Stage 3 score. Past GCSE papers are given throughout their two-year course to ensure that targets are not only met but also exceeded and to provide students with examination techniques. A one-to-one mentoring program is offered to students at risk of underachieving as well as weekly revision classes and lunchtime working sessions. Students also have the opportunity to have group speaking practice with a French Assistant.
Key Stage Five
As part of the Consortium we are involved in teaching French to A Level following the AQA specification. This process takes place on a rotation basis and the teaching is shared between The Priory School, Hitchin Boys’ School and Hitchin Girls’ School. Throughout the two years students are tested regularly to check progress and sit mock examinations.
Key Stage 3
Year 7
The four attainment targets of listening, speaking, reading and writing are assessed throughout each term. The topics taught concentrate on the immediate world of the learner for example self, family, local area and daily routine.
The department uses Mira 1 as the course book and online interactive platforms, such as Linguascope, Wordwall and Quizlet.
Year 8
The focus on the learners’ immediate world is widened in Year 8 to include language associated with school life, holidays and the media. Students are encouraged to transfer language from one context to another and to adopt and use widely all new grammatical structures learnt in lessons
The four attainment targets are assessed throughout each term. The department uses Mira 2 as the course book as well as Mira 2 as the course book and online interactive platforms, such as Linguascope, Wordwall and Quizlet.
Year 9
The language taught concentrates on the immediate world and needs of the students but also includes cross curricular elements such as healthy living, environmental issues and cultural awareness of Spanish speaking countries. As students’ progress they attempt more complex and demanding tasks and the written work takes on greater emphasis forming a solid foundation for GCSE
The four attainment targets are assessed throughout each term. Mira 3 Green and Red (differentiated course books according to the level of ability) are used and online interactive platforms, such as Linguascope, Wordwall and Quizlet.
Year 10
At Key Stage 4 Spanish is a Foundation Subject. In Year 10 students study the topics of the GCSE AQA syllabus covering the following topics: My World, Holiday Time and Travel, Work and Lifestyle and The Young Person in Society. Emphasis is placed upon the development of more advanced linguistic structures and vocabulary. Students are encouraged to develop strategies to deal with the unpredictable elements of the examination. They attempt past papers in order to improve their examination techniques.
Year 11
In Year 11 students continue to study the topics of the GCSE syllabus. Emphasis is placed upon the development of more advanced linguistic structures and vocabulary. Students are encouraged to develop strategies to deal with unpredictable elements of the examination. They attempt past papers in order to improve their examination technique.
Students are awarded a GCSE target based on their Key Stage 3 score. Past GCSE papers are given throughout their two-year course to ensure that targets are not only met but also exceeded and to provide students with exam techniques. A one-to-one mentoring program is offered to students at risk of underachieving as well as weekly revision classes and lunchtime working sessions.
Key Stage Five
As part of the Consortium we are involved in teaching Spanish to A Level following the AQA specification. This process takes place on a rotation basis and the teaching is shared between The Priory School, Hitchin Boys’ School and Hitchin Girls’ School. Throughout the two years students are regularly tested to check progress and sit mock examinations.
The MFL Department organises several cross-curricular activities such as cookery lessons where students can prepare and taste Spanish and French recipes. Our Year 9 students benefit each year from a very entertaining theatre play with native actors (both in French and Spanish). We aim also to organise a residential trip once a year in Spain or in France, currently disrupted by COVID-19.
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- Miss Victoria Gaskin – Head of Modern Foreign Languages Department
Miss Lorena Carrion Perez – 2nd in Department
- Mr Robert Freeland – Teacher of Languages; Head of Key Stage 3
- Mr Toby Nicholson – Teacher of Languages