Welcome to The Priory School, we are looking forward to meeting you and hope that you will have a really happy and successful time here with us.
At The Priory School you will have the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of subjects and activities. Sports, music, art, drama, textiles and photography are just some of the opportunities and experiences that are waiting for you at The Priory School.
Leaving your primary school and moving to the new, much bigger world of secondary education can feel worrying and stressful. Our aim is to make all our new students feel welcome and safe so that you hit the ground running at the start of Year 7 and make a great start to what will hopefully be some of the best years of your life.
There is a special Induction Day when you will visit the school, meet all the other new students, make some new friends and try out some lessons! There is also an Induction Evening for parents when they can come to find out about how we do things at The Priory School and spend some time with members of staff and ask any questions they may have.
If you are the only student joining from your primary school there is no need to worry. You are extremely important to us and you will also be given an extra opportunity to visit us on single student day when you will get the opportunity to meet other students who are also the only ones joining from their schools.
Due to the recent school closures, we are unsure when these events will happen but we hope to meet you all before the summer holidays.