KS3 Computing

Students complete a unique type of assessments in KS3 computing, called Showcases. Students have the same criteria for each assessment in KS3, with marks being given for Design, Communication, and Content.

  • Year 7 showcase their understanding of a topic in slideshow presentation
  • Year 8 showcase their understanding of a topic in a video
  • Year 9 showcase their understanding of a topic on a webpage
DesignA showcase was submitted, but it does not contain any noticeable elements of design.  A showcase was submitted with text and images.  Customised text and images are in a showcase.Consistent customised text and images in a showcase.  An appropriate and consistent design choice running through a showcase  An appropriate and consistent design choice running through a showcase that did not use any premade elements  
CommunicationA showcase with no evidence of any information from the topic in it  A showcase has some information in it, but it is hard to read, or is obscured behind other parts of the showcase  A showcase has information in it that is readable, however it contains spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.Your showcase contains readable information with no spelling or grammatical errors  A showcase shares information in a way that is clear and appropriate for the audience it is for.  A showcase shares information in a way that is clear, appropriate for the audience it is for, and concise without sacrificing detail
Content1-5 points have been made. Points made may not necessarily be accurate/correct  1-5 points have been made, most are correct. Students in this level may not provide much detail in answers  6-10 points made, with at least 4 being accurate/correct. The detail provided on these points could be lacking  6-10 points made, with all of them being accurate/correct. The detail provided on these points is not lacking.  10+ points have been made, all correct and developed fully. Links have been made between the points to produce a showcase that contains most of the information from the topic.  10+ points have been made, all correct and developed fully. Links have been made between the points to produce a showcase that contains most of the information from the topic.