KS3 Drama

Working RelationshipsI can focus on a task and produce work that is relevant.I can focus on a task and produce work that is relevant and sometimes suggest ideas to the rest of my group.I can focus on a task and produce work that is relevant. I sometimes suggest ideas to the rest of my group. I am able to listen to others and work well with others in the group without arguing.I can focus on a task and always fulfil the given task. I sometimes suggest ideas to the rest of my group. I am able to listen to others and work well with others in the group without arguing. I am able to develop ideas (my own and others) and merge ideas to ensure that we use ideas which are best suited to the task in hand.I can focus on a complex task and produce work that is imaginative. I suggest improvements to ideas to the rest of my group based on evaluation of outcomes. I am able to listen to others and work well with others in the group with-out arguing, often taking a lead role in decision making. I am able to develop ideas (my own and others) and merge ideas to ensure that we use ideas which are best suited to the task in hand.I can focus on a complex task and produce work that is highly original and imaginative. I suggest improvements to ideas to the rest of my group based on evaluation of outcomes. I often take a lead role in decision making. I am able to develop ideas (my own and others) and merge ideas to ensure that we use ideas which are best suited to the task in hand.
Vocal Characterisation skillsI can work with others in presentations. I can speak a few lines.I can act a character which is different from me using a different voice.I can experiment with different vocal skills (pace, pitch, volume etc).I can experiment with the use of different vocal skills at a more sophisticated level– paying particular attention to accent, varieties of tone and the significance of pauses.I understand and can employ more complex body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in performance to successfully convey emotion. I am able to sustain a role through-out an entire performance. I am able to carefully plan and evaluate the use of physical skills which are appropriate for my character.I understand and can employ more complex body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in performance to very successfully convey emotion. I am able to sustain a powerful role throughout an entire performance. I am able to carefully plan, evaluate and develop the use of physical skills which are appropriate for my character.
Physical Skills CharacterisationI understand simple body language and facial expressions.I understand body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in performance to convey emotion.I understand more complex body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in performance to convey emotion. I am able to sustain a role throughout an entire performance.I understand more complex body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in performance to convey emotion. I am able to sustain a role throughout an entire performance. I am able to carefully plan the use of physical skills which are appropriate for my character.I understand and can employ more complex body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in performance to successfully convey emotion. I am able to sustain a role throughout an entire performance. I am able to successfully use physical skills which are appropriate for my character.I understand and can successfully employ more complex body language and facial expressions and am able to use these in exceptional performances to successfully convey emotion. I am able to sustain a complex role throughout an entire performance. I am able to successfully use high level physical skills which are appropriate for my character.
Understanding of Key TermsI am able to identify basic key skills and why they are used in performance.I am able to identify more sophisticated key skills and why they are used in performance.I am able to identify and use key skills successfully in a performance.I am able to identify and use key skills successfully in a performance for a specific, planned effect.I am able to identify and use the majority of key terms successfully when I evaluate a performance to analyse a specific, planned effect.I am able to identify and use all key terms successfully when I evaluate a performance to accurately analyse a specific, planned effect.
Evaluation and DevelopmentI can explain why I liked a performance after I watched it.I can recognise different types of dramas. I can talk about how work could be improved by more practice or better staging.I can discuss the themes or issues in drama. I reflect on work, suggest improvements and use correct drama vocabulary.I can discuss the way that ideas are presented, how plots are developed and characters portrayed.I show initiative by using research to develop drama. I can analyse how ideas, emotions and feelings are communicated.I can evaluate work using reasoned arguments, using drama vocabulary accurately and effectively. I can suggest ways of developing drama further for my own and other groups.