| TPS1 | TPS2 | TPS3 | TPS4 | TPS5 | TPS6 |
Measurement skills | You can make simple measurements carefully and consistently. You can use measuring instruments correctly. | You can complete a results table to record all measurements observed in an investigation. You can justify why we take repeat measurements in an investigation. You can calculate the mean of repeated data. | You can tell if repeated measurements are close. You can identify and discard anomalous results before calculating the mean. You can explain why we calculate the mean of repeated data. | You can choose a suitable range for the independent variable in an investigation. You can identify the range of a set of data without anomalies. You can apply sampling techniques if appropriate. | You can check that a measuring instrument can measure the complete range of a variable. You can identify the range of a set of data with anomalies. You can check that the resolution of the equipment is suitable to detect measureable differences. | You can explain why having a large range or many readings leads to accurate data. You can describe the factors that influence the choice of range and interval for the variables. |
Experimental and Investigatory Skills | You understand that some variables have to be controlled. You can choose the correct equipment for a practical. You can write a basic method for an experiment. You can make a prediction for an investigation. | You can identify independent, dependent and control variables when given a method. You can write a method which will allow valid results to be collected. You can justify a prediction for an investigation. You can simply state the hazards in an experiment | You can identify independent and dependent variables in a method that you have written. You can identify the measurements that need to be made in an experiment & link these to the equipment required. You can identify the main control variable in an experiment. | You can state clearly how you will measure the independent and dependent variables. You can identify significant control variables in an experiment. You can identify the significant hazards in an experiment and you can write a basic risk assessment. | You can explain how you will monitor the control variables. You can suggest an experiment to test a hypothesis. You can identify all significant hazards and you can state clearly how these will be managed. | You can explain how you will monitor the control variables, linking the equipment needed. You can state the hazards that are associated with risks you have identified and give precise details of how the risks can be controlled. You can write a hypothesis to test a research question. |
Maths Skills | You can complete simple calculations using equations and data provided. | You can complete calculations using equations provided, identifying data to be used from a table or piece of text. You can recall and use a limited range of units. | You can recall and use simple equations to complete calculations, identifying data to be used from a table or a piece of text. You can recall and use a wider range of units. | You can recall and use more complex equations to complete calculations. You can complete calculations by rearranging simple equations. You can identify data to be used in calculations from more complex tables or pieces of text. | You can complete calculations by recalling and rearranging more complex equations. You can identify simple inconsistencies in units and resolve them before completing calculations. You can interpret more complex texts to identify and combine data to be used in calculations. | You can identify and complete multi-step calculations by recalling and rearranging equations. You can choose appropriate data to use in calculations, ignoring irrelevant data. You can identify more subtle inconsistencies in units and resolve them before completing calculations. |
Analysis and Evaluation Skills | You can complete a bar chart by adding extra bars. You can identify ways in which the method was a fair test. Identify simple problems with the way the experiment is carried out. | You can draw a bar chart or scatter graph on pre-scaled axis and label the axis. You can draw conclusions from a bar chart or scatter graph. You can draw a straight line of best fit, ignoring anomalous results. | You can select and draw a bar chart or line graph, designing and labelling the axis. Explain whether a method is valid or not for testing a specific hypothesis. Evaluate the data to describe its repeatability. | You can select and draw an appropriate straight or curved line of best fit. You can extrapolate straight line graphs to predict data. You can interpret simple data in tables and graphs to decide whether it supports a hypothesis. Identify the limitations of an experiment design and if possible, suggest ways of reducing their impact. | You can design and draw more complex line graphs. You can interpret a curved line graph to suggest the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable. Evaluate the evidence to explain whether or not it is reproducible. Identify possible causes of error in the data. | You can interpret more complex data in tables and graphs to decide whether it supports a hypothesis. You can justify whether the data provides enough evidence to support the hypothesis. You can link data from several sources to draw a conclusion. Identify the type of error as measurement, systematic, random or zero error. |
Communication Collaboration and Language in Science | You know some scientific facts. You attempt to write in sentences. You write some specialist terms accurately enough that they can be recognised. | You know some basic information and show a simple understanding of it. Your sentences show some structure, but are not linked in an organised way. You spell some specialist terms reasonably accurately but do not show a clear understanding of them. | You know some accurate information without showing that you clearly understand it. Your writing shows some structure and you attempt to use specialist terms, but not always accurately. Your spelling, punctuation and grammar is reasonable but there are still several errors. | You can show clear understanding of the main science concepts. Your writing shows some detail and structure and uses some specialist terms, but not always accurately. Your spelling, punctuation and grammar is reasonable but there are still some errors. | You can use accurate information in the right context. Your writing is logically structured and uses a range of specialist terms appropriately. Your spelling, punctuation and grammar are very good. | You show detailed understanding, supported by relevant evidence and examples. Your writing is logically structured and uses a wide range of specialist terms accurately. Your spelling, punctuation and grammar are almost faultless. |