| TPS1 | TPS2 | TPS3 | TPS4 | TPS5 | TPS6 |
Performing | You can perform with frequent errors in pitch and rhythm. The pulse is sometimes lost and you cannot perform the whole piece without help. | You can perform with errors in pitch and/or rhythm with occasional losses of pulse. | You can perform with some/few errors in accuracy in pitch and/or rhythm. Fluency/pulse is mostly present. | You can perform with some slips in accuracy in pitch and or rhythm. The piece is fluent. | You can perform with confidence, fluency, accuracy and some expression. | You can perform confidently and musically with total fluency, accuracy and expression. |
Composing | You can write basic rhythmic notation but there are serious errors in pitch. You can write for one layer for a rhythmic instrument. | You can write using rhythmic notation and basic notation of pitch. You can write one layer for a pitched instrument. There is not yet structure in your piece. | You can write using varied rhythms and pitches together. You are able to write using more than one layer where appropriate with a basic structure. | You can write music using some complex rhythms and melodies with a simple and clear structure. You are able to write confidently using texture and harmony where appropriate. | You can write music using a range of rhythms, harmonies and textures within a clear and balanced structure. You demonstrate confident handling of relevant notation. | You can write music that shows you can write idiomatically using a range of ideas, harmonies, textures and structural devices – often including imaginative interpretations of traditional ideas and confident handling of relevant notation. |
Listening & Appraising | You can sometimes identify families of instruments and identify the basic tempo and metre of a piece. | You can identify specific instruments, tempi, metre and basic dynamics in a piece. | You can describe the instruments, tempi, metre, dynamics in a piece and identify it within the appropriate context. | You can describe sounds using musical vocabulary and are able to attempt to notate music by ear with some success. You can link the features of a piece to its context. | You can describe sounds using musical vocabulary and are able to notate music by ear confidently. You can link the features of a piece to its context. | You can analyse musical features within a piece of any given music using musical notation and vocabulary accurately. |