Beliefs and Practices “A good theologian can analyse and synthesise how and why people express beliefs, values, ideas and spirituality through a variety of practices inc. ceremonies, festivals, prayer, worship, and symbols.” ” Describe basic religious beliefs and/ or practices.  Describe religious beliefs and practices and link the two together.  Explain how some practises demonstrate beliefs. Explain a range of practices inc.  how and why these demonstrate belief. Analyse a range of practices inc.  how and why these demonstrate belief. Evaluate why people express beliefs, values, ideas and spirituality through a variety of practices.
Variation in Interpretation  “A good theologian understands that there are a range of different viewpoints across and within religious and non- religious traditions and can suggest reasons for this.” Describe basic religious beliefs and/ or practices. Describe different beliefs within the same religion. Explain different beliefs in the same religion. Explain different beliefs in the same religion and explain reasons why these differences appear. Explain similarities and differences within and between religions and offer reasons why these differences appear inc reference to sources of wisdom and authority. Evaluate what the most important fundamental beliefs within a religious or non- religious tradition based on analysis of sources of wisdom and authority.  
Personal values and responsibilities “A good theologian can explain and justify their own opinion inc the relationship between beliefs, ethical issues, and the on impact worldviews, with respect and compassion”   State some different beliefs within the same religion i.e. “Some Christians…” Explain personal viewpoint with recognition that there are other views. Explain personal viewpoint and other views. Fully justify personal viewpoint and other views with respect and compassion. Fully justify personal and a differing viewpoint with respect and compassion to reach a reasoned and balanced conclusion.   Evaluate the relationship between their beliefs and worldviews, with respect and compassion to reach a reasoned and balanced conclusion.
Sources of wisdom and authority “A good theologian can explain and analyse evidence to support their knowledge and understanding” Attempt to use evidence. Accurate evidence is used. Specific and relevant evidence is used. Specific and relevant evidence is fully developed. Fully developed evidence with some critical analysis. Fully developed evidence with detailed critical analysis and evaluation.